The Northern Frontier Section of the Green Mountain Club maintains the northernmost section of the Long Trail, from Hazen's Notch (Route 58) north to Journey's End at the Canadian border. |
Read the latest Newsletter of the Northern Frontier Section of the Green Mountain Club. See the Calendar of Events for snowshoe hikes and other gatherings to enjoy the outdoors in Winter with members of the Northern Frontier Section. Winter 2023-2024 Newsletter + 2024 Calendar of Events |
Northern Frontier SectionNewsNorthern Frontier Section 2023 Annual Meeting
TRAIL WORK DAY: The trail work day we had scheduled for last Thursday, August 18, 2022 has been rescheduled for this Saturday August 27, 2022. We need to work on reblazing a section of the LT from Domey's Dome south to Buchanan Mountain. We will meet at Jay Pass (Route 242) and hike 1.7 miles South to Domey's Dome and begin painting blazes as we head south. We will work until a reasonable time in the afternoon to head back North to the parking area. There are several up and downhill stretches as we cross Gilpin Mountain, Domey's Dome and move on toward Buchanan Mountain. Bring lunch, water and snacks. We will provide the paint and brushes. It's a good idea to work in teams of two people and plan to meet the other teams to hike out together in the afternoon. Please contact me if you can participate and for the time we'll meet in the morning. Ken Whtiehead. (802) 933-5352. |
We'll have our business meeting and then a bratwurst cookout and potluck dinner. Bring a dish to share and let us know if you plan to attend so we can provide the right amount of bratwurst. Plates, cups, and cutlery will be provided. RSVP at this email please: Ken Whitehead, President, Northern Frontier Section.
The meeting was called to order at 4:07 PM by President, Ken Whitehead.
Attending were: Cathy and Jeff Miller, MaryAnne Wood, Howard Van Benthuysen, Bill and Joan Hildrith, Melissa Haberman and David Burns, Dave and Louis Ransom, Brooks Sturtevant, Adele Wolfson and Dan Seeley, Jane Williams, Remi Gratton, Walter Pomroy, Joy and Art Bliss, Kip Potter, Ken and Sharon Whitehead.
Board Report: Kip reported that the main club revenues are in good shape. There was discussion about the chainsaw course that the GMC was recommending. It was scheduled for June but has been postponed until this fall. The GMC is covering the cost ($2300) for each club member that participates. Howard noted that the GMC is trying to get several people certified so they can teach others without the high cost.
Trail Report: Jeff reported that while there is still some work to be done, all trails will be cleared of blowdowns in the next few weeks. Remi is in possession of the small chainsaw the club bought a few years ago in case anyone wants to use it for trail work. Jeff noted that he has a saw backpack that he can lend. Melissa told of rebuilding the bridge to Jay Camp in early spring because someone had used the rocks to build a firepit. The GMC staff built stairs on Gilpin Mt and will continue their work to Bruce Peak this summer.
Treasurer's Report: Walter reported that we have a bank balance of $2,036.76. Walter reminded the group that when we pay our membership dues to the main club, they send us 25% back to our section. Last year we collected $475 in dues. We have few expenses (printing/postage, field supplies, annual meeting). There was discussion about buying a tent to use for Trails Day but both Melissa and Kip have tents that they can lend. Kip suggested we buy a banner for our section since no one knows where the old one is.
New Business: We discussed Trails Day (September 10) and it was decided to continue greeting hikers on Rte 242. We need 3 shifts of volunteers for 2 hours/shift.
Ken discussed the various methods other sections are using to communicate with the public and membership. We have a very nice website that Rolf Anderson manages. It would be good to have a link to our FB page on it so people can access that easier and post any new information. It has seen little usage in the past. The GMC sponsors monthly zoom meetings to discuss ways to communicate with the public and members. Brooks volunteered to be our Communications Officer and to attend these meetings.
Elections: Howard made a motion that the secretary cast one ballot to reinstate all current officers, Walter seconded the motion and the vote was unanimously in favor.
Other: Howard spoke of his background and experience of being a shelter monitor on Camel's Hump (Gorham Lodge).
He said the club was in good financial shape with a $7 million endowment and $4 million in the capital campaign. The GMC is going to build a new clubhouse in Waterbury. As for work to be done this year, the club wants to focus on the northern trail as the AT trail is in good shape. They will be eliminating all the old pit privies on the entire LT and replacing them with moldering or composting privies. Also, the GMC will be placing bear boxes in areas that require them. Howard has been making signs for the club for a number of years and said that if we need them, to contact him.
The meeting then adjourned at 5:05 and we gathered together for a potluck dinner. Thanks to Remi for being our grill master!
Respectfully submitted,
Sharon Whitehead
The 2021 Annual Meeting of the Northern Frontier Section took place July 11, 2021. Here are links to the 2021 Annual Meeting Report of the Northern Frontier Section and to the Northern Frontier Section Summer 2021 Newsletter., 2020 Annual Meeting of the Northern Frontier Section and to the Northern Frontier Section Winter-Spring 2021 Newsletter.
Springtime Greetings!
The good news is that COVID infection numbers in our population are down and
vaccinated numbers are up to an effective level. COVID restrictions are easing in VT, which makes it easier for us to hike and camp on the Long Trail. As you can see in the following pages, our section will resume group outings and "in person" meetings. According to the new COVID guidance, both vaccinated and unvaccinated people aren't required to wear face masks in outdoor public spaces, as long as they're more than 6' from those outside their household for more than several minutes. Carpooling is ok for fully vaccinated people and each vehicle may contain people from one household who are not fully vaccinated. We should avoid sharing food, water or gear and avoid crowded parking lots and trails. Contact tracing isn't required for each outing.
Our hiking season has begun and volunteer adopters from our section have started doing their trail walk-throughs and shelter visits for maintenance. This year, we need to reblaze the section of trail from Route 242 to Jay Peak. There's a work day in our schedule for this and if you can help, please let me know. The big news on our section this year is that the GMC is having a work crew repair the trail teadway from Route 242 south to Bruce Peak and from Route 242 north to Jay Peak. They're scheduled to work from June 14th to July 11th on the part south of RT 242 and may need some help carrying tools and equipment to their campsite. If you're interested in helping with this, please reach out to Lorne Currier (
Just a reminder for all volunteers who work on the trail and shelters: After you do your work, submit a volunteer work report by going to and click on "volunteer", then "volunteer report" and type in your information. If you've worked with a group, you can submit a group report. Many thanks for all the hard work of the NFS volunteers, you are each greatly appreciated!
Last winter, we learned that the US Border Patrol is planning to install several 120' tall surveillance towers with cameras along the US-Canadian border. These towers may impact our views from the northern Long Trail and the Green Mountain Club is looking into this. If you are interested in finding out more contact GMC Executive Director Mike DeBonis at (802) 241-8212 or ( You may also contact our US Representative, Peter Welch.
The annual Green Mountain Club meeting will be held on zoom again this year, on Saturday June 12th from 9 to 11:00 AM. On Friday evening, June 11th, a long distance hiker named Derek Lugo will give an interesting talk about his adventures. To attend one or both of these go to ( and look for
2021 Annual Meeting.
Our Northern Frontier Section annual meeting will be "in person" this year! We will have a potluck and cook-out along with our meeting on Sunday, July 11th at 4:00 PM at the Montgomery Center recreation center pavilion. We'll cook bratwurst and hot dogs; please bring other food that you would like to share. This will be our first NFS gathering in two years and I think we'll all have a very enjoyable evening. Please let me know if you can attend.
Also, please attend one or more of our outings this year. It's a great opportunity to enjoy the outdoors in good company.
I wish you good hiking and good health this season.
See you on the trail,
Ken Whitehead, President NFS
You are invited to our annual section meeting on Zoom. Our meeting will take place on November 19, 2020 at 7:00 PM to commemorate the date we organized our section 20 years ago. The Agenda includes: Introductions, Officers Reports, Election of Officers, Planning, New Business, Discussion, etc. This will be a chance to participate no matter where you live. If you don't have Zoom on your device, go to the App Store and download zoom. Hope to see you there!
Ken Whitehead,
President Northern Frontier Section
Greetings !
On May 16th, our section officers had a Zoom meeting to discuss a limited agenda for our section this summer due to Covid-19. We decided to postpone our annual meeting (usually held in May) until early Fall. Hopefully we can have an in-person meeting at that time, vote for officers and review our latest trail/shelters information. We'll schedule it later and let you know when it will be.
Our section isn't scheduling any hikes this Summer, but we encourage you to hike and stay safe while you're out there. Keep your distance from other people and wear your mask in close proximity to them. Avoid crowded trailheads and trails.
The Long Trail opened for the hiking season on Memorial Day weekend, however the shelters are closed until further notice due to social distancing and sanitation concerns.
Please refer to the GMC website (, click News for updates and Covid-19 safety information. I've heard that it may be a good idea to camp in a tent on the LT to keep a safe distance from other campers.
The trail and shelter maintainers from our section have begun their work this Spring and walk-throughs will be done by early to mid June.
Many, many thanks to Ferdinand Lauffer for 20 years of Spring walk-through trail clearing on the section of LT from Hwy 105 to Jay Peak and Hwy 242. In addition, he also led numerous hikes, bike and ski outings during those years, as well as some Taylor Series presentations. Ferdinand will retire from his walk-through section this Spring and his friend Brook Sturtevant (from Franklin, VT) will be the new adopter.
There will also be new adopters for the section of trail from Hwy 105 to the Canadian border. Ken and Sandra MacDonald retired from that section last year and we thank them for many years of good work. Jeff and Kathy Miller from North Troy, VT will now maintain that section.
I hope you have a good summer and stay safe in your travels. See you on the Trail !
Ken Whitehead,
President Northern Frontier Section
Hello Trail & Shelter Adopters,
As you all know, the world has been a fast changing and unpredictable place in recent weeks. The Governor's stay at home order has put a pause on trail management activities and led to the closure of the Long Trail on State Lands. However, on Friday of last week the Governor announced a small change in his administration's "stay-at-home" order and the GMC is now able to begin limited, early-season trail management work. While this is not an opening of closed trails, we are able to do some critical pre-season maintenance to ensure the safety and functionality of the Long Trail system. Over the last six weeks staff have been operating under the following guiding principles in deciding what work to do and when to conduct it:
Public Health - GMC will be informed by the best public health science and standards to be a leader in COVID-19 response planning and communication to ensure that we are not a contributor to the social spread of the virus through outdoor recreation activities.
Employees and Volunteers Health - GMC will do everything necessary to protect staff and volunteers from becoming infected during their GMC duties. GMC staff will work with all volunteers and adopters to ensure their typical trail responsibilities are covered. If adopters are not able to complete their pre-season work, GMC will find alternate coverage for those responsibilities and the ensure the trails are safe and ready to welcome hikers when that time comes.
The Trail Resource - GMC will communicate and work with its state and federal land management partners on prioritizing resource management activities to identify critical activities and the appropriate timelines for completing management responsibilities related to that work.
With these guidelines in mind, the following trail maintenance activities and timelines have been established:
1. GMC Staff and the Trail Management Committee (TMC) will review guidance from the Governor and health authorities to determine to what extent the GMC begins its annual spring trail management activities.
2. GMC Director of Field programs and Executive Director will communicate with land management partners and other trail groups to create clear industry wide standards for allowable work and timelines.
3. GMC will incorporate these two factors into the development of an internal approval mechanisms for trail maintenance work and timelines.
These steps have now been completed and this approval mechanism and guidance is attached to this email. One document is the full guidance and background information informing you of necessary protocols and practices to safely volunteer on the Long Trail. The second document is a 1-page snapshot of the same information with a message on the back-side that can be printed and left on your car dashboard when parking at trailheads. Please review it thoroughly and let us know if you have any questions. As you will see, the new guidance opens up the possibility for adopters and volunteers to get out on their sections of trail for critical spring management activities. Additionally, GMC staff are now authorized to conduct work on composting privies and that will be our priority.
With the need to limit our field work to small, one or two person groups, it is more important than ever that we practice common sense safety measures, such as letting someone else know where you are going and when you will be back. To that end, GMC has created a "Check-in, Check-Out" practice that we ask you to implement in order to ensure a safe field season. Please review the attached documents about the Check-in, Check-Out practices and determine who your Point of Contact will be this field season. If you have any questions, please let me know.
COVID-19 is of course an evolving situation, so please understand that GMC is carefully monitoring the situation and may need to make adjustments to these guidelines and our field work in the coming weeks and months.
Thank you for all the work that you do to help maintain the Long Trail System. Your devotion to the trail is an inspiration for staff and the public alike.
Be safe, have fun.
Lorne Currier
Volunteer + Education Coordinator
The Green Mountain Club
4711 Waterbury-Stowe Road
Waterbury Center, VT 05677
(802) 241-8329
Season's Greetings !
Last winter several of us gathered at my home for a potluck lunch. Afterward, we snowshoed the hiking trail in the Enosburg Town Forest, where this photo was taken. The weather was clear and bright that day and we hope for much the same this year: February 1st, at our annual potluck/snowshoe. You are invited and please let us know if you'll be there.
Last summer and fall, I continued my section hiking on the Long Trail, heading south. This year I started at Route 17 (Appalachian Gap) and hiked to David Logan Shelter, about 7 miles south of Route 73 (Brandon Gap), a distance of about 48 miles. Now in my sixties, I'm fortunate to be healthy enough to carry a pack and hike, more slowly now than when I was younger. On the trail I: take photos, visit with hikers, write in my journal, deal with fatigue, hunger and weather, and experience extraordinary views and terrain. I meet hikers who are end-to-ending the trail and other hikers who are out for a day or an afternoon. All of us are there for a challenge, discovery and an adventure!
Last summer, we had to cancel both of our scheduled trail-blazing days because of rain. However, Paul Madden went out by himself during the summer and completed the blazing in the North Jay area of the trail. Later, he blazed from Route 58 to Hazen's Notch Camp and from Route 58 to Haystack Mountain. We greatly appreciate his hard work! We thank each of our volunteers who adopt sections of the trail and the shelters. Many thanks to all who help out!
On February 29th, 2020 at 7:00 PM, our section will host the James P. Taylor Winter Series at the Episcopal Church parish hall on Church St. in Enosburg Falls, VT. Ferdinand Lauffer will show slides and talk about his long bike ride last summer along the Great Divide Mountain Bike Route for 2,850 km from Banff, Alberta to Frisco, Colorado. He will also offer highlights of last year's 1500 km Cross Germany ride from Germany's border with Switzerland and France to the Polish city of Swinoujscie at the shores of the Baltic Sea.
The GMC Annual meeting in 2020 will be sponsored by the Northern Frontier Section, the Sterling Section and the Laraway Section. It looks like Sterling College in Craftsbury, VT will be the preferred location. We will need volunteers from our section to help out at the venue and to lead hikes in the area. Hikes could be within about half an hour drive of Sterling College, which includes the LT and some NE Kingdom Trails. Please contact Ken Whitehead or Jane Williams if you can help. The date of the meeting will be on a Saturday or Sunday in late May or early June. More information will be in the Long Trail News.
I was very sorry to hear that Jean Haigh passed away last fall. She collapsed while hiking and will be greatly missed by many friends and family. She gave years of work and effort to the GMC by serving as president and helping develop trails in the Northeast Kingdom Section. She loved hiking, and her passion and stamina were admired by all who knew her!
Our section has some good hikes and activities scheduled this winter and I hope you can join us, get outdoors and have fun.
See you on the trail,
Ken Whitehead
President, Northern Frontier Section