Northern Frontier Section 2022 Annual Meeting Minutes2022 Winter Newsletter linkThe 2021 Annual Meeting of the Northern Frontier Section took place July 11, 2021. Here are links to the 2021 Annual Meeting Report of the Northern Frontier Section and to the Northern Frontier Section Summer 2021 Newsletter., 2020 Annual Meeting of the Northern Frontier Section and to the Northern Frontier Section Winter-Spring 2021 Newsletter. About GMC Northern FrontierThe Northern Frontier Section of the Green Mountain Club maintains the northernmost section of the Long Trail, from Hazen's Notch (Route 58) north to Journey's End at the Canadian border. The Northern Frontier section is the most remote part of the LT and includes some of it's most challenging terrain. The members of the Northern Frontier section maintain 18.7 miles of trail and five shelters (from south to north): Hazen's Notch Camp (2,040 ft.), Atlas Valley Shelter (2,220 ft.), Jay Camp (2,205 ft.), Laura Woodward Shelter (2,800 ft.), Shooting Star Shelter (2,260 ft.) and Journey's End Camp (1,550 ft.). |
The Northern Frontier Section includes (from south to north) Hazen's Notch (1,780 ft.), Bruce Peak (2,900 ft.), Our section includes Jay Peak, Vermont's 8th highest mountain, Big Jay, Vermont's 12th highest mountain, and Laura Woodward Shelter, the highest overnight shelter on the Long Trail north of the Lamoille River. |
HIKERS: Hiking trails on state lands managed by the Vermont Department of Forests, Parks and Recreation and the Green Mountain Club are closed until Memorial Day weekend. Hikers are also strongly discouraged from using hiking trails in the Green Mountain National Forest until Memorial Day weekend. |
Officers / Volunteers as of June 9, 2024
Join the Club* Become a member of the Green Mountain Club and help the GMC maintain and protect the Long Trail, America's oldest long distance hiking trail. * Help the Green Mountain Club in its mission as steward of the Long Trail by becoming a member of the GMC. * Give something back to the Long Trail by helping the Northern Frontier Section maintain the trails and shelters of the Long Trail system from Hazen's Notch north to Journey's End. * Join other outdoor enthusiasts on hiking, paddling, snowshoeing and skiing trips. * Join the GMC Northern Frontier Section today ! Membership Dues are as follows: Individual $ 45 Please make check payable to Green Mountain Club and mail to Waterbury Center headquarters address below. Green Mountain Club Copyright © 2000 - 2024 Green Mountain Club - Northern Frontier Section |